Douglas Shire QLD Unsealed Roads Training Course – Jan 2023

Grading Operator Training in Best Practice Operational Techniques and Development of Service Level Budget Modelling.  Council have a number of new operators and we had the opportunity to do one on one training with a number of the operator in the 6 criteria for successful grading.

By |2023-08-03T10:21:32+00:00August 1st, 2023|Training Course|Comments Off on Douglas Shire QLD Unsealed Roads Training Course – Jan 2023

Livingstone Regional Council QLD Unsealed Roads Audit– Jan 2023

We completed a audit of council's unsealed roads practices including their operational and management techniques.  Spent time in the field with each grading crew and in the office with management reviewing current procedures, road conditions, and expenditures.  Analysis included benchmarking with others and Finally a Report and Presentation of  finding with Recommendations.

By |2023-08-03T10:39:02+00:00August 1st, 2023|Training Course|Comments Off on Livingstone Regional Council QLD Unsealed Roads Audit– Jan 2023

Toowoomba Regional Council QLD Unsealed Roads Maintenance Training Course-Dec 2022

Grading Operator Training in Best Practice Operational Techniques and Development of Service Level Budget Modelling.  Report of Recommendation.  Council use a combination pull-along roller, which had very good results on maintenance.  The benefit this roller has over single rollers is that is can do both flat drum and tyre rolling with just one machine and [...]

By |2023-08-07T04:04:05+00:00August 1st, 2023|Training Course|Comments Off on Toowoomba Regional Council QLD Unsealed Roads Maintenance Training Course-Dec 2022

Robe Shire Council SA Unsealed Roads Maintenance Training Course – May 2022

Unsealed Road Maintenance Grading Operator Training in Best Practice Operational Techniques and Development of Service Level Budget Modelling.  Development of 12 months works program.

By |2023-08-09T03:29:17+00:00August 1st, 2023|Training Course|Comments Off on Robe Shire Council SA Unsealed Roads Maintenance Training Course – May 2022

Bulloo Shire Council QLD Unsealed Roads Training Course – Mar 2022

Grading Operator Training in Best Practice Operational Techniques and Development of Service Level Budget Modelling.  Working in remote Queensland of limited budgets means imported gravel materials are very limited and crews need to make the most of what they have to bring up the formation and cross-fall.  The positive of remote Queensland is the use [...]

By |2023-08-06T02:33:12+00:00August 1st, 2023|Training Course|Comments Off on Bulloo Shire Council QLD Unsealed Roads Training Course – Mar 2022